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老陳皮冰糖燉檸檬 Stewed Tangerine Peel with Lemon & Rock Sugar (No Additives)

老陳皮冰糖燉檸檬 Stewed Tangerine Peel with Lemon & Rock Sugar (No Additives)

Regular price £13.80 GBP
Regular price Sale price £13.80 GBP
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成份:用十年以上老陳皮、無蠟檸檬及原蔗冰糖製作,燉足12 小時以上,無添加,純天然!
Stewed Tangerine Peel with Lemon & Rock Sugar (No Additives)
Made with Premium Dried tangerine peel, fresh unwaxed fresh lemon, rock sugar, then stew over 12 hours with no addictives added!
Function: It aids digestion and moisturises the throat, suitable for men and women for all ages.
Storage: After opening, store in a refrigerator and avoid using watery spoon.
Way to eat: Mix 2-3 tea spoons of stewed lemon juice into warm water, then stir it well. (We recommend mix together with precipitated tangerine to have better taste.)
Remarks: People with diabetics should drink with caution.

食用方法:按喜好以2-3 茶匙沖熱水或温水飲用。陳皮和檸檬肉沉澱在樽底,食用時可以不沾水的匙攪一會,使汁肉更混和,味道更佳,連渣食更有益。

Precautions for eating: The ingredients may precipitate at the bottom of the bottle, for better taste, you can use a dry spoon to stir well before drinking and recommend drink with ingredients. For people with diabetic, should eat with caution.

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