About us 關於我們

追尋 Free Future 是我們一家來英之初心,故此小店以"Freeture"為名

眾所周知,現時運費成本高昂,如能購得優質的產品更為物有所值。本店獨家代理騰龍海味 T.L. Stores之產品,騰龍海味於香港經營優質海味接近三十載,並於香港知名日式超巿上架多年,貨真價實,品質取勝,一向深受歡迎!


Pursuing free future is the original intention of our family to come to the UK, so our shop is named as "Freeture". 

As we all know, transporting costs of goods are high nowadays, and it is more worthwhile to purchase high-quality products. Our store is the exclusive distributor of T.L. Stores, which has been trading high-quality dried seafood in Hong Kong for nearly 30 years, and being the main dried seafood provider for well-known Japanese supermarkets in Hong Kong for many years.