Freeture Point 積分計劃 Loyalty Scheme


  1. 積分由2024年1月1日起的訂單計算。
  2. 每次購物均可儲分,£1 = 1分,100分= £1現金劵。
  3. 儲滿100分,本店會發送 £1現金劵之優惠碼到客戶電郵,可於1年內使用。
  4. 客戶可儲多個優惠碼於同一張訂單使用。
  5. 購物滿£60可免運費,少於£60之消費需收取£6運費。
  6. 本店保留優惠卷使用之權利。

Terms of Freeture Point Loyalty Scheme:
1. Freeture Points are calculated from orders placed from 1st January 2024.

2. You can save points for every purchase, £1 = 1 point, 100 points = £1 cash voucher.

3. After saving 100 points, the store will send a £1 cash coupon discount code to the customer's email, which can be used within 1 year.

4. Customers can save multiple discount codes for use on the same order.

5. Free delivery for purchases over £60, £6 delivery charge for purchases less than £60.

6. Our store reserves the right to use the coupons.